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AllTop 33
Official Plugins › More
1. Assets 3 ★669 - jekyll-assets

asset pipelines

[Gem] [More Info]
Admin & Visual Editors
2. Admin ★619 - jekyll-admin

adds a traditional content management system-style graphical interface to author content and administer sites

[Gem] [More Info]
Bibliography & Citiations
3. Scholar ★379 - jekyll-scholar

extensions for the blogging scholar.

[Gem] [More Info]
Official Plugins › Core / Optional
4. Sitemap Generator ★327 - jekyll-sitemap

a plugin to silently generate a compliant sitemap for your site #GitHub Pages

[Gem] [More Info]
Images & Pictures
5. Picture Tag ★321 - jekyll-picture-tag

Easy responsive images for Jekyll. Based on the proposed <picture> element, polyfilled with Scott Jehl’s Picturefill.

[Gem] [More Info]
Official Plugins › Core / Optional
6. SEO Tag ★285 - jekyll-seo-tag

a plugin to add metadata tags for search engines and social networks to better index and display your site’s content #GitHub Pages

[Gem] [More Info]
Official Plugins › Core / Optional
7. Redirect From ★263 - jekyll-redirect-from

seamlessly specify multiple redirections URLs for your pages and posts #GitHub Pages

[Gem] [More Info]
Official Plugins › Core / Optional
8. Feed ★244 - jekyll-feed

a plugin to generate an Atom (RSS-like) feed of your posts #GitHub Pages

[Gem] [More Info]
Tags & Taggings, Categories & Categorizations
9. Tagging ★220 - jekyll-tagging

plugin to automatically generate a tag cloud and tag pages.

[Gem] [More Info]
Official Plugins › More
10. Importers ★201 - jekyll-import

The “import” command for importing from various blogs

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Official Plugins › More
11. Compose ★186 - jekyll-compose

streamline your writing with these commands

[Gem] [More Info]
Official Plugins › Core / Optional
12. Jemoji ★178 - jemoji

GitHub-flavored emoji plugin #GitHub Pages

[Gem] [More Info]
Official Plugins › More
13. Archives ★142 - jekyll-archives

archive pages for your tags and categories

[Gem] [More Info]
14. AsciiDoc ★119 - jekyll-asciidoc

AsciiDoc convertor for Jekyll using Asciidoctor.

[Gem] [More Info]
Official Plugins › Core / Optional
15. Mentions ★90 - jekyll-mentions

@mentionable support for your site #GitHub Pages

[Gem] [More Info]
Official Plugins › Core / Optional
16. Gist ★84 - jekyll-gist

Liquid tag for displaying GitHub Gists #GitHub Pages

[Gem] [More Info]
17. Content Blocks ★82 - jekyll-contentblocks

Lets you use Rails-like content_for tags in your templates, for passing content from your posts up to your layouts.

[Gem] [More Info]
Images & Pictures
18. Responsive Image ★70 - jekyll-responsive_image

Responsive images for Jekyll. Automatically resizes images, supports all responsive methods (<picture>, srcset, Imager.js, etc), super-flexible configuration.

[Gem] [More Info]
19. Emoji ★67 - emoji_for_jekyll

seamlessly enable emoji for all posts and pages

[Gem] [More Info]
Official Plugins › Core / Optional
20. GitHub Metadata ★60 - jekyll-github-metadata

site.github #GitHub Pages

[Gem] [More Info]
Multi Language / Multi Lingual
21. Localization ★57 - jekyll-localization

plugin that adds localization features to the rendering engine.

[Gem] [More Info]
Text Filters
22. Reading Time ★56 - liquid_reading_time

Count words and estimate reading time for a piece of text, ignoring HTML elements that are unlikely to contain running text.

[Gem] [More Info]
23. Twitter ★54 - jekyll-twitter-plugin

A Liquid tag plugin that renders Tweets from Twitter API. Currently supports the oEmbed API.

[Gem] [More Info]
Official Plugins › Core / Built-in
24. Sass Converter ★54 - jekyll-sass-converter

a Sass converter

[Gem] [More Info]
Text Filters
25. Time Ago ★53 - jekyll-timeago

Converts a time value to the time ago in words.

[Gem] [More Info]
26. Compass ★51 - jekyll-compass

easily integrate Compass and Sass with your site

[Gem] [More Info]
Official Plugins › Core / Optional
27. Paginate ★50 - jekyll-paginate

pagination generator #GitHub Pages

[Gem] [More Info]
Multi Language / Multi Lingual
28. Polyglot ★49 - jekyll-polyglot

multi-lingual and I18n support tool

[Gem] [More Info]
29. Minifier ★42 - jekyll-minifier

minifies HTML, XML, CSS, and Javascript both inline and as separate files utilising yui-compressor and htmlcompressor.

[Gem] [More Info]
30. Mini Bundle ★42 - jekyll-minibundle

asset bundling and cache busting using external minification tool of your choice. No gem dependencies.

[Gem] [More Info]
31. Auto Image ★42 - jekyll-auto-image

gets the first image of a post; useful to list your posts with images or to add twitter cards to your site

[Gem] [More Info]
32. Asset Pipeline Reborn ★41 - japr
[Gem] [More Info]
33. Pagination ★38 - jekyll-pagination

plugin to extend the pagination generator.

[Gem] [More Info]