Let’s welcome the mrhyde-tools gem that includes a command line tool, that is, mrhyde that lets you run static site quick starter wizard scripts. For example, use:

$ mrhyde new starter   # or
$ mrh n starter

to download and install (unzip/unpack) a theme archive and configure a static site ready-to-use e.g.:

Welcome, before setting up your site Mr. Hyde will ask you some questions.

Q: What's your site's title? [Your Site Title]:  Another Beautiful Static Site
Q: What's your name? [Henry Jekyll]: Edward Hyde
Q: Select your theme:
     1 - Starter
     2 - Bootstrap
     3 - Minimal
   Your choice (1-3)? [1]: 2

 Thanks! Ready-to-go. Stand back.

  Downloading Henry's Bootstrap Theme...
  Setting up Henry's Bootstrap Theme..
  Updating settings in _config.yml...
    title: "Another Beautiful Static Site"
    author.name: "Edward Hyde"

Why not write your own Mr. Hyde wizard script? It’s just Ruby (with an added mini language) e.g.:

say "Welcome, before setting up your site Mr. Hyde will ask you some questions."

title = ask "What's your site's title", "Your Site Title"

name  = ask "What's your name", "Henry Jekyll"

theme = select "Select your theme", ["Starter", "Bootstrap", "Minimal"]

say "Thanks! Ready-to-go. Stand back."

install_theme theme

config do |c|
  c.title        = title
  c.author.name  = name

say "Done."

For more quick starter wizard scripts see the Mr. Hyde’s Scripts library. For more themes see the Dr. Jekyll’s Themes directory. Cheers.